Monday, April 27, 2009

catch up!!!

well, i'm back to work and things are busy, busy, busy! here is my attempt to catch loved ones up in photos....mommy and ellie time! (i actually got a photo of me with ellie).
ellie at the pediatric orthopedic's office, right after getting her harness removed. it took her a little while to move her legs out of the position they had been in for the past 3 weeks.
finally kicking her legs!!
out for a stroll- our favorite pastime. note: pants and socks are part of her wardrobe again;)
happy to be out of her harness.
ellie has taken up cuddling with stuffed animals. here she is with sprinkles.
so, i swore i would never put more than a small bow in my daughter's hair. however, even i could not fight the trend. this past week i learned how to make headbands with a friend.
it's a pity such a cute photo had to have this background. (when i went to take photos, todd insisted i take a couple with the utah utes blanket).
we love this sweater aunt darlene made and expect more in the future- in every color!


Megan and John said...

such a cutie patootie! (oh, and the baby is pretty darned cute, too!) i love catching your updates when i can. you are obviously one busy woman (and just getting busier with going back to work). good luck with everything! i love you!

Megan and John said...

how funny was that! i didn't even realize that there were more! i love the pics. ellie is an absolute doll. and incredibly patient to put up with that harness...

you must note that i have updated my blog as well. you inspired me! so, when are you cruising my way next??? :)

thirdof11 said...

She just keeps looking more and more Newmanish. What a cutie she is.

Trisha said...

Ahhhh! I think she just gets cuter ever day! How fun! Ü

Kim said...

Ellie's cheeks are my favorite.

Shauna said...

Love the bows:), and you need to update, update, now that you are living across the country! I hope you & Todd are surviving:)